If it's gum, then LOTTE Gum
Unrivaled champion of the Korean chewing gum market




알파 입안촉촉

Alpha Peach

알파 프로폴리스

Alpha Propolis

LOTTE Xylitol: Korea’s #1 Chewing Gum
Xylitol was a little known natural sweetener until the launch of LOTTE Xylitol Gum in 1997.
Xylitol was a game changer and Korea’s chewing gum history can be defined as pre- and post-Xylitol eras.
Unlike other sweeteners, Xylitol gum is not acidic when chewed, supporting Xylitol’s claim of being cavity fighting.
The popularity of Xylitol gum set off a copy-cat Xylitol phenomenon in Korea’s food industry with Xylitol promoted in other dairy and beverage products.
Design History
  • 2020
    2020년 자일리톨
  • 2011
    2011년 자일리톨
  • 2009
    2009년 자일리톨
  • 2004
    2004년 자일리톨
  • 2000
    2000년 자일리톨